Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Wildflower

In autumn it was planted
Grew strong amid the snows
Amid the sandy pinelands
a wildflower grows

I’m not much of a gardener,
but I tend it when I can
With caution, but still trusting
That God must have a plan

I water it with moments
I shelter it with care
Some know and may have seen it
but most don’t know it’s there

I give it love, I give it time
I give it light and room
And sometimes grow impatient
With the hope that it will bloom

It could be an illusion
For the winter’s been so bleak
That any sign of life
Would to the season’s end bespeak

Sometimes I fear, that even still
Despite such careful toil
One day, I may return to find
An empty patch of soil

I’m learning to just take my time
To breathe and take it slow
With gratitude, and awe to watch
My wildflower grow.